
<p>The new footbridge in Liège, known as "La Belle Liégeoise", was opened on 2nd May 2016. Located upstream of the landscape window created by the new Guillemins esplanade, this bridge provides a connection for soft transport modes from the railway station across the Meuse to La Boverie park, maintaining clearance for navigation.</p> <p>The site presents a dissymmetry: an urban bank faces a wooded bank. Reflecting this, the structure of the main section on the left bank develops a suspended typology, while the second section on the right bank is supported by struts.</p> <p>The main span over the Meuse is 163 metres for a total length of 294 metres. The 5.5 metre wide deck is positioned laterally to the supporting structure.</p> <p>The footbridge is accessible to “soft” transport modes via the provision of ramps made of variable height steel boxes, supporting the 3.5 metre wide deck of azobé wood. On the right bank, the bridge crosses La Boverie Park through the canopy, offering a new vision of this urban park.</p> <p>Bureau Greisch, in association with the landscaping architect Corajoud, was responsible for the full architectural and structural design for the footbridge.</p>

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