
With the demographic shifts in the United States, it is increasingly the case that speech-language pathologists (SLPs) come from different language backgrounds from those of their clients and have nonnative accents in their languages of service. An anonymous web-based survey was completed by students and clinic directors in SLP training programs in New York State regarding their beliefs about the appropriate scope of practice of SLPs with accents in English and other languages. Responses were received from 28 directors and 530 students. Perceived appropriateness of service by accented clinicians depended on particular disorders serviced and degree of accent, with phonologically based services believed by the greatest number of respondents to require more native-like speech than other areas. Further efforts must be made to research effects of SLPs’ accents on service delivery and plan strategies, if needed, for successful service provision in SLPs’ diverse areas of practice when mismatches in language backgrounds occur.

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