
A problem for health education practice is how to interest people in making a health behavior change and maintain that interest throughout the behavior change process. Beliefs can provide motivational force for people to perform health behaviors. Five theories: 1) Diffusion of Innovations (DIT); 2) Health Belief Model (HBM); 3) Reasoned Action (TRA); 4) Locus of Control (LOC); and 5) Social Learning (SLT), are reviewed for motivational factors in promoting health behavior changes at each of six stages in the behavior change process: precontemplation, decision, training, initiation, and maintenance. A degree of overlap and complementariness are identified among the theories resulting in a syntheoretical model of beliefs as motivators in the behavior change process. The common emphasis among the theories on expectancies or cost-benefit calculations is highlighted, suggesting several strategies for employing these considerations in health education campaigns. The paucity of motivational ideas for promoting change among the externally controlled-late majority is noted. Further research must be conducted before these ideas should be generally implemented in practice.

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