
This study attempts to define struggle and challenges black population of USA has been facing since ages and still facing in this 21st century when whole world is heading towards globalisation and post-modernism. As it has been reflected in the history of the nation, racial segregation has always been a part of national society and culture. This racial segregation has led the black population of USA to raise their voice for civil rights as well as equal opportunities in every field. These struggles and challenges before blacks to lead a dignified life have opened the future possibilities where both black and white youth’s understanding of race relations is required. The white youth of America is equally responsible for providing equal space to blacks in American society, culture and politics. Hence, the present study attempts to look at the history of race relations and relevance of race and race relations in the 21st-century USA, with special reference to the current issue of George Floyd in order to explain how status of blacks in the 21st-century USA is affected by this history and attitude of the State.

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