
The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting people around the world with terrible impacts on health, economy, social and psychological aspects and so on, but in this paper, I would like to focus attention on how this situation is worsening the female world. Although men have been shown to have a higher risk factor due to the presence of testosterone, women are severely affected due to: Health Impact • Reduction of life expectancy in terms of delay on necessary oncological checks and consequent progression of related pathologies; • Delay/Stop in taking up the battle against the infertility which can result in potential depression; • A significant increase in fears for both, the woman herself and the incoming creature. Social Impact: The ability to resilience and manages critical situations have always been a female peculiarity but we cannot fail to consider objective data such as: • Reduced chances to save the job position after a severe economic crisis; • Enormous stress for the dual role of mother and worker aggravated by the distance learning (DAD) In this work I will bring to the attention my experience in this emergency period as a gynaecologist doctor specialized in In Vitro Fertilization (IVF); as a mother and as a woman living this situation in the Italian Society.

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