
Should Christians and Marxists enter into dialogue with each other? The question that is posed in this article is whether dialogue between Chr ist ians and Marxis ts in South Africa is desirable or not. Reasons are discussed for entering into a dialogue that was put forward by Christians and Marxists during the East European Christian -Marx is t dialogue, as well as those propagated b y the Christians for Socialism movement in Latin America. Each of these motivations for entering into dialogue is evaluated for its validity. Once the validity of some of these motivations has been proved, a description of the current state of attitudes towards a Chr istian-Marxis t dialogue in South Africa is given. The most popular objections against such a dialogue are discussed and it will be shown that these objections are unfounded. As an alternative approach to this negative attitude towards a dialogue a new approach will be propagated.


  • The question that is posed in this article is whether dialogue between Christians and Marxists in South Africa is desirable or not

  • Reasons are discussed for entering into a dialogue that was put forward by Christians and Marxists during the East European Christian-Marxist dialogue, as well as those p ro p aga te d b y the Christians fo r Socialism movement in Latin America

  • Die tweede vraag is of die K e r k in dialoog met die aanhangers van n Marxistiese ideologie behoort te tree

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Die eerste twee oorwegings ten gunstev an dialoog met Ma rxism e het hulle ontstaan in Tsje ggo-Slow ak ye gehad. D a a r mag geen alliansies met politieke of k u lt u r e m agstrukture aangegaan word, wat die kerk se lojaliteit aan C h r is t u s kan skaad nie. Alhoewel hierdie oorweg in g ten gunste van dialoog maklik daar toe kan lei dat die Christelike godsdiens tot 'n politieke beweging gereduseer word, bevat dit nogtans sekere legitieme teologiese momente wat nie g e igno ree r mag word nie. Die K erk het daarom 'n verpligting teenoor alle politieke regimes, naamlik om hulle aan te moedig wanneer hulle programme loods wat die mens toenemend sal bevry van ly d in g maar ook om hulle te waarskuwa nn eer hulle o p t re d e sal lei tot die verknegting en v e ro n tm en sliking van die mens. Beswaar , is dat so n alliansie kan lei tot die redusenng van God se omvattende eskatologiese v e rlo ss in g tot 'n suiw e r liistoriese politieke bevryding

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