
The phenomenon that occurs in the community at this time, many elderly gout arthritis as many as 41 of 61elderly people in Posyandu Wonokromo Surabaya Indonesia who still complain of joint pain suddenly andstiffness in the joints that causes limited movement. This study aims to describe the behavior (cognitive,affective, and psychomotor) of patients with gout arthritis in the elderly. The design of this study usesdescriptive research with cross sectional approach. The population in this study were 41 elderly with goutarthritis. The sample in this study were all elderly patients with gout arthritis, with a large sample of 41respondents. Sampling with Total Sampling technique. This research instrument used a questionnaire anddata analysis using descriptive statistics. The results showed that of 41 elderly people with gout arthritisalmost half had low cognitive behavior (48.7%), almost half had moderate affective behavior (46%), andalmost half had moderate psychomotor behavior (46%). The conclusion of the research is that the elderlywho suffer from gout arthritis have low cognitive behavior, moderate affective behavior, and moderatepsychomotor behavior. It is expected that all elderly people with gout arthritis, in order to always improvetheir ability and continue to shift information about the disease gout arthritis in order to improve health andchange behavior (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor) to be high.

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