
Background: Studies have linked genetic susceptibility to prostate cancer (CaP) to African heritage and familial disease. Also, lifestyle factors, general and central obesity have been identified as risk factors for CaP. Aim: To assess the behavioral risk factors associated with CaP among West-African men and US West African immigrants. Methods: The cross-sectional study was conducted among 480 respondents recruited from Nigeria, Cameroon and the United States. The CaPTC Familial Project study instrument was used to collect data on the background information of respondents, country specific residence information, physical activity level, smoking and alcohol consumption pattern, family and personal history of cancer and other types of cancers and knowledge of CaP. Anthropometric measurements were taken. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 20. Results: Majority (85.6%) were recruited from Nigeria, 5.5% from Cameroon and 8.9% from the USA and the mean age is 48.2±9.9. About three quarters (74.4%) have been married only once while 10.8% have been married for about 2-5 times. Few (3.3%) of the respondent's wives had cancer and 0.2% had cervical cancer. Less than 1% of respondent's daughters had cancer, 4.6% of their uncles had cancer. Among the respondent's full brothers and sisters, 0.4% had cancer and 1.5% of their birth mothers had cancer. Also a few (2.3%) of respondent's fathers had cancer and 11.9% of their paternal grandparents had one type of cancer. About 17.2% of respondents have been diagnosed of a prostate condition and 5.9% were diagnosed of CaP with 47.1% of those with CaP are from Nigeria, 49.6% from the USA and 3.3% from Cameroon. One-quarter (25.6%) have smoked at least once in their lifetime, 2.5% smoke daily and the mean age at which smoking commenced is 26.6±19.4. More than half (55.4%) had consumed alcohol at least once in their lifetime and the mean age at which alcohol consumption started is 9.9±11.9. Only 9.8% had adequate knowledge about CaP and 61.0% poor knowledge. About a quarter (25.5%) were obese with 3.3% being morbidly obese. One-third (32.3%) are involved in moderate physical activity and 17.9% in rigorous physical activity. No significant difference ( P = 0.492) was observed in the physical activity level from the different locations. However, a significant relationship was observed between alcohol consumption, smoking, body mass index and country of residence ( P = 0.001, 0.035 and 0.001 respectively). Cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption (frequency and quantity) was significantly higher among respondents from the USA. Obesity was also significantly higher among the respondents from Nigeria and the USA. Although not statistically significant, family history of cancer was more among respondents from Nigeria and the USA. Conclusion: Obesity, smoking, alcohol consumption seems to be a common practice among respondents from Nigeria and USA.

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