
Summary Behavioural contact feeding responses to various chemical incentives were studied in hybrid beluga x Russian sturgeon (Huso huso x Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) fry. Solutions of 29 amino-acids (10–2 M); aqueous extracts of various vegetable, animal and microbiological components of commercial fish diets (30 min infusion of 100 mg in 100 ml), and various artificial and natural substances were tested. The most attractive amino-acids were lysine, methionine and alanine. Most of the dietary extracts tested did not stimulate feeding behaviour, indicating that widespread commercial sturgeon diets (such as ST-07 or ST-04Az) consist of components with little attractiveness for sturgeon fry. In most cases extruded diet components stimulated more bites than granulated ones. Among the diet components, only fish protein concentrate (FPC), dry milk and krill meal stimulated feeding behaviour. Flavour enhancers such as concentrated low molecular weight nitrogenous substancs (CLMNS), sodium glutamate, and “Finnstim” all stimulated feeding behaviour of fry. Some of these substances are recommended as flavour enhancers in sturgeon diets.

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