
1. Manipulation of host behaviour by parasitoids has long captured the imagination of ecologists. Parasitoid wasps in the Polysphincta group of genera develop as external parasitoids of spiders.2. In the present study, the previously undescribed interaction between a Zatypota sp. wasp (Ichneumonidae) and a social spider Anelosimus eximius (Theridiidae) is described. The larva of this Zatypota wasp is found to induce its host to disperse from their communal web and build an entirely enclosed web consisting of densely spun silk.3. The wasp is observed to target primarily immature A. eximius individuals, with 37.5–44% of nests in a given area being parasitised. Of those nests, approximately 1.3–2.0% of individuals are hosts to the parasitoid larvae. Larger spider colonies had a significantly higher probability of harbouring parasitoids.4. This interaction results in unusual behaviours for A. eximius induced by the parasitoid: (i) leaving the protection of the social nest and (ii) building a unique, altered web that it would not otherwise build.It is suggested that the wasp may be tapping into ancestral dispersal behaviours in its host and that a social species provides this wasp an evolutionary advantage by allowing a stable host source.

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