
Bengtson, S.‐A. 1966. (Observations on the sexual behaviour of the Common Scoter (Melanitta nigra) on the breeding grounds, with special reference to courting parties.)Boswall, J. 1966. The roosting of the Pied Wagtail in Dublin.Cade, T. J. 1965. Relations between raptors and columbiform birds at a desert water hole.Dunham, D. W. 1966. Maintenance activities of the Rose‐breasted Grosbeak.Dunham, D. W. 1966. Reactions to predators in the Rose‐breasted Grosbeak.Elgood, J. H. & Ward, P. 1963. A snake attack upon a weaver‐bird colony. Possible significance of synchronus breeding activity.Ellis, R. E. Jr. 1966. Agonistic behaviour in the male Starling.Ficken, M. S. & Ficken, R. W. 1965. Comparative ethology of the Chestnut‐sided Warbler, Yellow Warbler and American Redstart.Fischer, G. J. 1966. Auditory stimuli and imprinting.Goforth, W. R. & Baskett, r. S. 1965. Effects of experimental colour marking on pairing of captive Mourning Doves. J. Wildlife Manag.Gottlieb, G. 1965. Imprinting in relation to parental and species identification by avian neonates.Hailman, J. P. 1965. Cliff‐nesting adaptations of the Galapagos Swallow‐tailed Gull.Hansen, E. W. 1966. Squab induced crop growth in ring dove foster parents.Hatch, J. J. 1966. Collective territories in Galapagos mockingbirds, with notes on other behaviour.Hespenheide, H. A. 1966. The selection of seed size by finches.Holcomb, L. C. 1966. The development of grasping and balancing coordination in nestlings of seven species of altricial birds.Holcomb, L. C. 1966. Redwinged Blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus) nestling development.Keil, W. 1963. Beiträge zur Ermittlung der Fütterungs—frequenz einiger Singvogel.Klopfer, P. H. 1965. Behavioral aspects of habitat selection:a preliminary report on stereotypy in foliage preference in birds.Koivisto, I. & Pirkola, M. K. 1964. (On the behaviour on the display ground and the importance of the social display of the Black Grouse (Lyrurus tetrix) and Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus).)Lasky, A. R. 1966. The manner of feeding fledgling woodpeckers.Lott, D. F. & Brody, P. N. 1966. Support of ovulation in the Ring Dove by auditory and visual stimuli.Moyle, P. 1966. Feeding behavior of the Glaucous‐winged Gull on an Alaskan salmon stream.Nilsson, L. 1965. (Observations of the spring behaviour of the Red‐breasted Merganser).Nilsson, L. 1966. (The behaviour of the Goosander (Mergus merganser) in the winter.)Nilsson, L. 1965. (Studies on the preening behaviour of the Goldeneye (Bucephala clangula).)Offutt, G. C. 1965. Behaviour of the Tufted Titmouse before and during the nesting season.Polt, J. M. & Hess, E. H. 1966. Effects of social experience on the following response in chicks.Root, R. B. 1966. The Avian Response to a Population Outbreak of the Tent Caterpillar, Malacosoma corstrictum (Stretch).Simmons, K. E. L. 1965. The ritual world of the Great Crested Grebe.Simmons, K. E. L. 1966. Les noces rituelles du grébe huppé.Vowles, D. M. & Harwood, D. 1966. The effect of exogenous hormones on aggressive and defensive behaviour in the Ring Dove (Streptopeliu risoria).

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