
The aim of the present work is to study the cleanability of most Egyptian Cotton fibres. Five different cotton, with wide range of Shirley trash content, were used. The experiments were done on different Trutzschler blowroom lines followed by Toyoda and Rieter carding machines. The data presented show that the change of non-Limit(96), fibre length characteristics and the level of residual trash content as a function of machines arrangement. Also, the results of experimental Lines are compared for the same cotton fibres. In addition, the cleaning action of preparation Lines was investigated in terms of the properties of the cotton fibres itself and machine parameters.


  • The prel>ent work tends \0 study the deanability of E8YPIian cotton 1ibrez, i,e the behaviour of diHerent Egyptian cotton fibre qualitie~ through dlflereot blo....roLlm lnnallatlons followed by carding machine!

  • For all £syptian colton fibres, a e,ood running at carding operation n::5lJlted in a total cleaning elficlency between 88% and 97%

  • O ao Cleaning Efficiency (%l "i.g. (17) np111.ti onsh i p bf-l wppn rE'S id ual trash content of"card sliver and cleaning efficiency

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11.5 po~i Uent work tends \0 study the deanability of E8YPIian cotton 1ibrez, i,e the behaviour of diHerent Egyptian cotton fibre qualitie~ through dlflereot blo....roLlm lnnallatlons followed by carding machine!. Lhe ellcct 01 s\JCcessive rnach:ne ot b!O'lllfOOm 011 removal tr;uh and fibre length prupert!es. - lhe cleaning efficiency I)f diUerent blOll/room lines in term~ of material parameters and macillne arrangemerm and, The re$idual trash col'lterlf ol scutcher lap orland tlock$ and sliver Card. ~I Inch r.51 Rizk EI-Bealy ii) Cardin~ machine Toyooda

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