
Suspended particle device (SPD) switchable glazing has potential to control transmission of solar radiation in the visible range by changing its transparency from 55% to 5%. Outdoor test cell characterisation of a SPD switchable glazing offered the dynamic solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) which varied between 0.05 (when opaque) and 0.38 (when transparent). Reduction of maximum temperature rise of 11% and 15% was possible using SPD “transparent” and “opaque” state compared to same area double-glazing. Insulated test cell with water flow heat exchanger was employed to measure the cooling load reduction potential of SPD glazing while its transmission changed from “transparent” to “opaque” state. A cooling load reduction up to 6kWh for a 0.343m3 volume test cell was possible by changing a 0.21m×0.28m SPD glazing transparency from “transparent” to “opaque”. Average overall heat transfer coefficient of SPD glazing varied between 5.02W/m2K and 5.2W/m2K for two different states.

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