
The model represents the first approximation to the implementation of the concept of mutual perception in the hierarchy formulated by the author in the works: 1. The concept of mutual perception of persons in a hierarchy. Journal of Economy and entrepreneurship, 2018, Vol. 12, Nom. 12, p. 1120-1124. 2. The development of the concept of mutual perception of persons in a hierarchy: the dynamics of perceptions. Journal of Economy and entrepreneurship, 2019, Vol. 13, Nom. 1, p. 830-833. Organizational behavior in the hierarchy agent-based model is designed and developed to study process of the formation of teams, taking into account the mutual (generally speaking - asymmetrical) perception of the Head and subordinates and changes in the group performance of the teams. Group performance depends on the individual performance of team members and the relative position of group members and their Heads in space (World of model is space of perception). The location in space changes in accordance with the individual strategies of the behavior of agents. In a two-level hierarchical structure (consisting of the positions of managers and operators), persons holding these positions have a certain performance and the value of their own (personal) perception of each other. In the world of the model, which is the space of perceptions, agents implement two strategies: rapprochement with agents that perceive positively and distance from agents that perceive negatively (both can be implemented, one of these strategies, or neither, the other strategy, which makes the agent stationary). Strategies are implemented in relation to those agents that are in the radius of perception. The manager (Head) forms a team of agents. The performance of the group (the sum of the individual productivities of subordinates, weighted by the distance from the Head) varies depending on the position of the agents in space and the values of their individual productivities. Individual performance, in the current version of the model, are set as a random variable distributed evenly on a numerical segment from 0 to 100. The manager forms the team 1) from agents that are in operational (organizational) radius, 2) among agents that the manager perceives positively and / or negatively (both can be implemented, one of the specified rules, or neither, which means the refusal of the command formation). Agents can (with a certain probability, given by the variable PrbltyOfDecisn%), in case of a negative perception of the manager, leave his group permanently. The main result observed in the simulation is the sporadic occurrence of cyclic structures (the spatial location of agents in which the coordinates of several agents and the group performance of individual groups experience quantitative fluctuations). The appearance of such structures precedes full stabilization (when from a certain time, the coordinates of the agents’ no longer change) or, under certain initial conditions, oscillations can continue indefinitely. Stabilization occurs during a time period from 200 to (approximately) 3000 ticks. Stabilization time depends on the number of agents, values of perception radius and operational radius (PerRadius, OpRadius) and the speed of agents moving in the process of implementing their individual strategies.

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