
Data on the depth and temperature preferences of bigeye tuna ( Thunnus obesus ) derived from archival tags were integrated with data on the spatial and temporal distribution of catches from an eastern Australian longline fishery to investigate the relationship between bigeye tuna behaviour and the fishery. Tagged individuals demonstrated variability in depth and water temperature preferences on diurnal, lunar, and seasonal scales. Deeper, cooler waters were frequented during the day, and shallower, warmer waters were frequented at night, with nighttime preferences often deeper around the full moon, although this was not consistent between individuals or temporally within individuals. Marked individual variability in depth and water temperature preferences suggest bigeye tuna are flexible in foraging strategies utilized, thereby allowing individuals to maximize their ability to successfully forage in a patchy environment. Catches of bigeye tuna corresponded with the spatial and temporal overlap of bigeye tuna distributions within the fishery on similar scales, suggesting clear influence of bigeye tuna behaviour on the behaviour of the fishery and catches. However, variability in these relationships suggests that the factors influencing the relative catchability of bigeye tuna are complex, and there are likely to be a range of additional environmental, behavioural, and operational factors that influence bigeye tuna catchability.

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