
The Martino’s vole (Dinaromys bogdanovi) is a rare species that lives in differently structured karst habitats, varying from open rocky plains to deep fissures, mostly residing under boulders and in crevices. Populations of the species are declining, probably due to its strict habitat preferences and competition with the European snow vole. Since the species is difficult to study in the wild, we tested its behavioral response to a differently complex environment and novel object presence in captivity. We exposed 14 individuals to differentially complex setups, from open and unsheltered to rocky with covered tunnels. We measured the effect of the presented setup and season on vole behavior. Analysis showed seasonal differences with higher movement frequency and longer time spent still during the breeding season, and a higher number of attempts due to the lack of vole entry into the experimental terrarium in the non-breeding season. Additionally, movement significantly differentiated between an open and simple setup in comparison to more complex ones, with higher frequencies of moving and peeping and the duration of peeping in the simple setup, indicating restlessness. We also found significant differences between the novel object and control setup. The results of this study could be useful for future assessment of the influence of habitat complexity on mobility in the wild. Moreover, this is the first study on the behavior of this endemic and rare rodent.

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