
Behavioral resource depression occurs when the behavior of prey individuals changes in response to the presence of a predator, resulting in a reduction of the encounter rate of the predator with its prey. Here I present experimental evidence on the response of two species of gerbils (Gerbillus allenbyi and G. pyramidum) to the presence of barn owls. I conducted the experiments in a large aviary. Both gerbils responded to the presence of barn owl predators by foraging in fewer resource patches (seed trays) and by quitting foraged resource patches at a higher resource harvest rate (giving-up density of resource; GUD). This reduced the amount of time gerbils were exposed to owl predation, and hence the encounter rate of owls with gerbils, i.e., behavioral resource depression. Thus, the presence of owls imposes a foraging cost on gerbils due to risk of predation, and also on the owls themselves due to resource depression. I then examined how resource depression relaxed over time following exposure to owls. In the days following an encounter with the predator, the reduction in foraging activity for both gerbil species eased. Increasing numbers of trays were foraged each day, and GUDs in seed trays declined. The two gerbils differed in their rate of recovery, with G. pyramidum returning to prepredator levels of foraging after 1 or 2 nights and G. allenbyi taking 5 nights or longer. Interspecific differences in recovery rates may be based on differences between the species in vulnerability to predation and/or ability to detect the presence of predators. The differences in recovery rates may be due to optimal memory windows or decay rates, where differences between species are based on risk of predation or on how perceived risk changes with time since a predator was last encountered. Finally, differences between or among competitors in recovery from resource depression may provide foraging opportunities in time for the species which recover most quickly and may have implications for species coexistence.

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