
This stu dy was aimed at investigating the behavioral intention towards and factors influencing adoption of organic soil nutrient management by paddy farmers, consequent to the banning of agro-chemicals in April 2021 in Sri Lank a. A questionnaire survey, supplemented by key informant discussions was used to collect the primary data after six months of the banning when farmers were preparing for the next Maha season (starting from Novemb er 2021). Paddy farmers (N=120) from the Mahaillu ppallama irrigation block of the Mahaweli system H in Anuradhapura district were randomly selected as the respond ents. The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) was used as the conceptual framework of the study. The study revealed that the majority (85%) of farmers did not agree with the sudden decision of the government to ban agro-chemicals to enable a complete transformation of agriculture to one that is totally organic. Only 11% of the farmers preferred a fully organic paddy production system. The majority (58%) preferred to use both organic and inorganic fertilizers. However, 31% of the farmers preferred conventional farming as usual. Perceived difficulties were the major barriers for farmers to use organic f ertilizers. Attitude on production, age, perceived knowledge of organic agriculture, and farming income significant ly affected (P < 0.1) paddy farmers’ intention to adopt organic fertilizers. It is concluded that a scientifically designed gradual transition would be more appropriate for nutrient management in paddy cultivation.

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