
Psychoactive compounds, and benzodiazepines (BZPs) in particular, represent an important class of emerging pollutants due to their large (ab)use and high resistance to degradation. Nowadays it is known that sewage treatment does not completely eliminate these substances and, therefore, BZPs and their metabolites reach concern levels in most aquatic environments all over Europe, ranging from µg/L to ng/L. In this study, we investigated the effects of delorazepam on Mytilus galloprovincialis, a model organism in toxicity testing and a key species in coastal marine ecosystems. Given its psychoactive activity, the study primarily addressed discovering the effects on behavior, by conventional valve opening and closure tests. Possible cytotoxic activity was also investigated by analyzing valve abductor muscles, gills histology, and correlated oxygen consumption. Results demonstrate negative effects on mussel behavior, interference with metabolism, and alteration of gill morphology and protein content. In conclusion, delorazepam confirms its toxicity to aquatic environments, highlighting the possibility that BZDs can ultimately affect the structure of the food web and the functions of the coastal ecosystems.

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