
[1] Leaching experiments performed on several sediments of the Ganga river suggest that between 10 and 20% of the osmium is in an easily exchangeable position. Analyses of sediments from two estuarine rivers (the Pussur and the lower Meghna) reveal no enrichment of Os in the saltwater–freshwater mixing zone relative to Ganga sediments of similar Al2O3/SiO2 ratio, suggesting that osmium is not significantly trapped in this estuary. However, a significant decrease of the 187Os/188Os ratio is observed in the Pussur sediments relative to the Ganga composition. These latter are derived entirely from the Ganga or from erosion of the Ganga paleodelta, and thus would be expected to have similar Os isotopic compositions. Nd isotopic results from the Pussur are indistinguishable from those of the Ganga, while the Sr isotopic results are at the lower end of the Ganga range, confirming the absence of a major source difference between Ganga and Pussur sediments. It thus seems unlikely that the difference in Os isotopic signature can be entirely explained by a change in provenance, suggesting instead that the Os compositions have been modified. Our results show that the less radiogenic Os compositions of the Pussur sediments cannot result simply from desorption of radiogenic Os or from scavenging of river or seawater Os. Instead, the decrease of the 187Os/188Os ratio could imply a complex exchange between dissolved Os, derived partly from seawater, and Os in the leachable fraction of sediments. This mechanism could therefore constitute both a source and a sink for seawater osmium and may significantly influence the osmium marine budget.

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