
Relationships of lithologies in uppermost mantle section of Oman ophiolite are highly complicated, harzburgites especially being closely associated with dunites, wehrlites, and gabbros. The petrology and geochemistry of the uppermost mantle section provide constrains on how MORB (mid-ocean ridge basalt) magmas migrate from the mantle to crust. We conducted detailed sampling at the uppermost mantle section of the northern Oman ophiolite (along Wadi Fizh), and it provides us with centimeter-scale lithological and mineral chemical heterogeneity. In particular, we found peculiar plagioclase-free harzburgites that have not been recorded from the current ocean floor, which contain high-Mg# [Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) atomic ratio] clinopyroxenes that are almost in equilibrium (saturated) with MORB in terms of REE concentrations. They are from the uppermost mantle section underlying the wehrlite-dunite layer (=Moho transition zone; MTZ) just beneath the layered gabbro. MORBs cannot be in equilibrium with harzburgites; however, we call the peculiar harzburgites as “MORB-saturated harzburgite” for simplicity in this paper. The MORB-saturated harzburgites exhibit slightly enriched mineralogy (e.g., spinels with higher Ti and ferric iron, and clinopyroxenes with higher Ti and Na) and contain slightly but clearly more abundant modal clinopyroxene (up to 3.5 vol.%) than ordinary Oman depleted harzburgites (less than 1 vol.% clinopyroxene), which are similar to abyssal harzburgites. Gabbro-clinopyroxenite bands, which were melt lenses beneath the ridge axis, are dominant around the MTZ. Detailed sampling around the gabbro-clinopyroxenite bands revealed that the MORB-saturated harzburgites appear around the bands. The interaction between a melt that was MORB-like and an ordinary harzburgite induced incongruent melting of orthopyroxenes in harzburgites, and the melt chromatographically intruded into the wall harzburgite and was modified to coexist with olivine and two pyroxenes at low melt/harzburgite ratios. The modified melt left clinopyroxene (not clinopyroxene + plagioclase as in plagioclase-impregnated abyssal harzburgite) to form the MORB-saturated harzburgites in the vicinity (harzburgite) of the fracture, which are left as gabbro-clinopyroxenite bands. This local modification mimics the whole lithological and chemical variation of the MTZ and makes chemical variation of MORB suite at fast-spreading ridge.

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