
Formaggio di Fossa di Sogliano is a traditional Italian Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) cheese ripened for a minimum of 5 months, with the feature of a ripening of at least 80 to at most 100 days in pits, digged into tuffaceous rocks according to medieval tradition of Italy. In this study, a challenge test using Listeria innocua as a surrogate of Listeria monocytogenes was performed, with the aim of increasing knowledge concerning the impact of the Fossa cheese process, and especially of the traditional ripening process of this PDO, on the behaviour of L. monocytogenes. Pasteurized milk was experimentally inoculated with 4.5 log CFU/mL cocktail by three L. innocua strains, and L. innocua and Mesophilic Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) counts as well as the evolution of temperatures, pH and aw values were monitored throughout the manufacturing and ripening processes. Throughout the ripening in maturation room a constant temperature of 8°C was observed reaching a temperature between 10 and 15.5°C during ripening into pit. In the final products data for LAB concentration, pH and aw values were roughly in accordance with literature, even if some differences were, probably due to variability of artisanal cheese productions. The numbers of L. innocua showed a slight decrease but remained stable until the end of ripening in maturation room, whereas a significant reduction of the microorganism was observed in the final product, at the end of the ripening into the pit. The findings give scientific evidence that the process of this PDO prevented the L. innocua growth, allowing us to speculate a similar behaviour of L. monocytogenes. Based on this study, the recommendation to extend as much as possible the ripening into pit (from 80 to 100 days) was provided to food business operators as a risk mitigation strategy to be implemented.

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