
The behavior of nucleoids during the leucoplast division cycle in the epidermis of onion (Allium cepa) bulbs was investigated using DNA-specific fluorochrome 4'6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining. The leucoplast was morphologically amoeboid and continuously changed its shape. A dumbbell-shaped leucoplast divided into two spherical daughter ones by constriction in the middle region of the body. Leucoplasts contained 4–10 mostly spherical, oval, partly rodand dumbbell-shaped nucleoids which were dispersed within the bodies. The proportion of one DNA molecule of a T4 phage particle to the small leucoplast nucleoid in the grain density of negative film was 1 to 0.91. Comparison of the present result and another groups' biochemical results suggested that a small leucoplast nucleoid contains one DNA molecule. The dumbbell-shaped leucoplast probably before division contained about twice as many nucleoids as the spherical leucoplast after division, and each half of the dumbbell contained about half the number of nucleoids. Nucleoids increased in number with growth of the leucoplast. The behavior of nucleoids during the leucoplast division cycle in onion bulbs was basically similar to that during the chloroplast division cycle in higher plants and green algae, which was previously reported (Kuroiwa et al. 1981 b).

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