
The paper presents the theoretical and experimental study on the bending behavior of cantilever wood laminates beam with variable section from the classical guitar structure. During bending, normal stress and tangential stresses develop. As a viscous elastic material, in time the wood deforms in the plastic domain, causing permanent deformations. The theoretical study aimed the rheologic behavior of bending bars, and from the experimental point of view, five types of guitar neck probes were tested at bending on the ZWICK-Roell universal machine. The five categories of samples were differentiated by the geometry of the inserts and the material used for them. As the test samples showed a variable section with respect to both the longitudinal axis and the height, the displacements along the bars were measured in 7 points. The experimental results revealed the non-linear behavior of the structures and the influence of the reinforcement type used in the structure of the wooden beams.

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