
Dadahup is a swampy irrigation area that belongs to the Indonesian national development program, namely the food estate project. The food estate project is a revitalization program for the former peatland development to increase national food security. Peatlands located in lowlands (less than +2.00 m above mean sea level) were a significant problem in their land development activities; besides, the land is generally infertile. The peatland development has been discontinuing, and farmers shifted the jobs to another job for a living. In terms of the water-related problems, The Dadahup swampy irrigation area development faces various challenges, some of which are flood inundation during the rainy season and difficulty in irrigating the land during the dry season. This paper evaluates the behavior flow of the channel network using the HEC-RAS software. The irrigation area has a channel network comprising a primary channel, a perimeter channel, and several secondary channels. It also has connections with three main rivers, i.e., the Barito, Mangkatip, and Kapuas Murung Rivers. The simulation results with several scenarios have contributed better understanding of the flow behavior. Further discussion has promoted a proper water management implementation strategy to overcome the inundation issue.

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