
Behavior of fascicles and tendinous structures of human gastrocnemius medialis (MG) was determined by use of ultrasonography in vivo during jumping. Eight male subjects jumped vertically without countermovement (squat jump, SQJ). Simultaneously, kinematics, kinetics, and electromyography from lower leg muscles were recorded during SQJ. During phase I (-350 to -100 ms before toe-off), muscle-tendon complex (MTC) length was almost constant. Fascicles, however, shortened by 26%, and tendinous structures were stretched by 6%, storing elastic energy of 4.9 J during phase I. During phase II (-100 ms to toe-off), although fascicles generated force quasi-isometrically, MTC shortened rapidly by 5.3%, releasing prestored elastic energy with a higher peak positive power than that of fascicles. Also, the compliance of tendinous structures in vivo was somewhat higher than that of external tendon used in the simulation studies. The results demonstrate that the compliance of tendinous structures, together with no yielding of muscle fibers, allows MTC to effectively generate relatively large power at a high joint angular velocity region during the last part of push-off.

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