
A closed circular cylindrical shell, subject to hydrostatic pressure, is considered. I t is assumed tha t the intensity of the pressure increases rapidly with t ime; thus the sheli is subject to dynamic loading. In an article by Lavrent'ev and Ishlinskii (l) dating back to 1949, it was shown tha t when a load is suddenly applied to a rod or cylindrical shell, the form of loss of stability should be different than in static loading. Later on Hoff published several papers (2, 3), in which he investigated the stability of rods under dynamic loading by a compressing force; it was assumed tha t the rod had a certain initial deflection. An article by Chawla (4) was devoted to the same problem. In a paper by one of the authors (5) the stability of a cylindrical panel was investigated under the action of a dynamic axial force, and nonlinear shell theory formalism was used. A series of problems on the stability of cylindrical panels under dynamic loading was solved by Bolotin and others (6). The present paper also deals with the nonlinear formulation of the behavior of a closed shell under a rapidly increasing hydrostatic pressure. The inertia of the shell elements as they move in a radial direction is taken into account. At the same time, the inertia terms corresponding to the displacements of points of the shell along the generatrix and along the arc are neglected; this is in agreement with the general concepts of the theory of shells with large deflection. Analogous results were obtained for the case where the shell is subject to dynamic application of an axial compression load.

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