
The Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized the connectivity of diverse sensing devices, generating an enormous volume of data. However, applying machine learning algorithms to sensing devices presents substantial challenges due to resource constraints and privacy concerns. Federated learning (FL) emerges as a promising solution allowing for training models in a distributed manner while preserving data privacy on client devices. We contribute SAFI , a semi-asynchronous FL approach based on clustering to achieve a novel in-cluster synchronous and out-cluster asynchronous FL training mode. Specifically, we propose a three-tier architecture to enable IoT data processing on edge devices and design a clustering selection module to effectively group heterogeneous edge devices based on their processing capacities. The performance of SAFI has been extensively evaluated through experiments conducted on a real-world testbed. As the heterogeneity of edge devices increases, SAFI surpasses the baselines in terms of the convergence time, achieving a speedup of approximately × 3 when the heterogeneity ratio is 7:1. Moreover, SAFI demonstrates favorable performance in non-independent and identically distributed settings and requires lower communication cost compared to FedAsync. Notably, SAFI is the first Java-implemented FL approach and holds significant promise to serve as an efficient FL algorithm in IoT environments.

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