
Iatrogenic damage of the N.ulnaris is a known complication of treatment of supracondylar humeral fractures in children. But damage to the N.radialis can also occur in the treatment of many typical fractures of the upper extremity during growth. There are no differentiated investigations on their incidence. This paper presents a prospective case collection and describes the personal experience with the occurrence and treatment of iatrogenic damage to the radial nerve during growth. In all 9 out of 20 cases occurred in the primary care setting, a further 9 under the metal removal and 2 on the occasion of corrective surgery. 50 % occurred after treatment of forearm shaft fractures, 39 % after distal-metaphyseal radius fractures, 11 % after radial neck fractures. In 80 % of the cases the sensory terminal branch was affected, in another 15 % the motor branch and in 5 % the main trunk of the nerve. The treatment of iatrogenic nerve damage should be cautious and restrained, spontaneous remissions, especially of pure sensory deficits, are common.

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