
The institutional formation of primary and secondary agricultural education was the result of the response of local governments and the provincial administration to the economic crisis caused by the effects of the drought series. The regional economy needed a skilled workforce capable of mastering modern agricultural technology and innovative agro-cultural innovations. The proposal to create an elementary educational institution of agricultural education was put forward on June 30, 1894 at the meeting of the provincial assembly by the deputy of the Verkhnodniprovsky County Zemstvo E.I. Ostroukhov, whose initiative was supported by the deputy corps. Subsequently, in November 1899, the Verkhnodniprovsky Agricultural School was opened, on the basis of which the educational and production model of the primary agricultural education institution for the Dnieper region was developed. The substantial expansion of the area of primary vocational agricultural education was significantly slowed down by the economic crisis of 1900-1903.The next stage in the development of vocational agricultural education in Katerynoslav province is related to the legislative activity of the autocracy. In particular, on May 26, 1904, the Russian Emperor Nicholas II approved the «Regulations on Agricultural Education», which defined the general legal principles and order of functioning of secondary and lower educational institutions of agricultural education. However, the obstacles to the implementation of regional educational projects were the military-political events of the Russo-Japanese War and the Revolution of 1905-1907, which caused a financial crisis that made it impossible for the intensive development of the educational environment. The new attempt of meaningful expansion of the space of lower and secondary vocational-technical agricultural education falls during the period of Stolypin agrarian transformations of 1906-1911. models of rational land use. At the meeting of December 15, 1909, the Katerynoslav Provincial Zemsky Meeting approved a new target program aimed at establishing a network of lower agricultural educational establishments in the province. The practical implementation of this document led to the emergence of a number of primary agricultural schools. On the eve of the First World War, new educational establishments were opened - practical agricultural schools, which were engaged in the training of technicians for certain branches of agriculture: horticulture, viticulture, horticulture. During the First World War, new centers of agricultural education emerged - agricultural shelters, which provided the function of social care for orphans.

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