
Though beekeeping is a common farming enterprise and income generating activity in Atsbi Wemberta, and promotional efforts were made to improve it, no systematic study has been undertaken to evaluate the promotional efforts and people’s response to it. The objectives of the study were to identify beekeeping sub sector constraints; and to assess perception of beekeepers towards improved beekeeping practices. Ranking revealed that drought, honeybee pests and disease, shortage of beekeeping materials, death of colony, lack of adequate extension support, marketing problem, shortage of bee forage, lack of skill and reduction of honeybee colonies were found to be the major constraints in this sub sector development of the district. Perception of beekeepers was also found to be positive towards improved practices. Extension, research and NGOs should enhance research and extension activities on absconding management, selecting moisture stress tolerant bee forage, developing a technology from locally available materials.

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