
This comprehensive review explores the vital role of bedside learning in nursing education, focusing on its impact on clinical skill development and empathy among students. By bridging theoretical knowledge with practical application, bedside teaching allows nursing students to apply classroom concepts directly to patient care, enhancing understanding and retention. The review highlights evidence-based practice (EBP) teaching strategies and emphasizes the need for improved interactive and clinically integrated approaches.. It cultivates empathy and compassion as students interact with patients personally, witnessing their struggles and hopes. Furthermore, bedside learning enhances communication skills, enabling students to establish meaningful connections with patients and healthcare teams. Finally, this method promotes critical thinking by challenging students to analyze patient cases and make informed decisions. Conclusion:In conclusion, research highlights the pivotal role of bedside teaching in clinical education, especially in nursing. Hands-on experiences and patient interactions are essential for developing clinical reasoning skills, fostering patient-centered care, and nurturing professional growth. Conflict of Interest: There is no conflict of interest.

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