
In this study was to determination of the relationship between situational motivation (SIM), self-talk (ST) and attitude towards physical education (PE) lesson and students' other perceptions (liking level of PE-SEV, the level of importance given to the PE by the student-KVO and the level of perception of the importance given to PE by the family-AVO). Furthermore, it has been done the comparisons in terms of age and gender. A total of 698 secondary school students aged between 11-14 in the study. In the findings, girls obtained higher means for all sub scales of SIM and attitude, while boys obtained higher score for worry dimension only of ST. Girls obtained higher scores for SEV and KVO, whereas boys obtained higher means for AVO. When the age increased, SEV, KVO, AVO, instrinsic motivation-IM, identification regulation-IR and attitude decreased but somatic fatique factor of negative ST increased. SEV, KVO and AVO were positive correlated with the positive dimesions whereas negative correlated with the negative dimensions. IM and IR dimensions were found positive correlated with positive ST dimensions and attitude; but extrinsic motivation and amotivation dimensions were found negative correlated with attitude and, positive correlated with negative ST dimensions.

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