
Nevus is a group of melanocytes that grow together to form a benign growth on the skin. It is often a black lesion that may protrude from the skin. Becker's nevus is a hyperpigmented lesion that presents congenitally or is acquired. The pigmentation and unusually high hair growth might grow darker with time. Becker's nevus, which can interchangeably be called Becker's melanosis, is a rare disease usually presented by men. The following case is of a 21-year-old male who presented with a hyperpigmented lesion on his right arm. The lesion started at age 16 and increased in size gradually; it involved the flexor surface of the right elbow joint and showed hypertrichosis with irregular margins. On examination, the top dermis contained melanophages, and the basal layer was hyperpigmented. Based on clinical appearance and examination, Becker's nevus was diagnosed.

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