
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to understand the strategic role of third-sector agencies, with a history that often left them “sidelined” by the public sector, showing how all agencies involved can be respected and trusted, with conflicts of interest around commissioning services well managed. It highlights how power differentials between agencies/sectors influence behaviour and how a voluntary council can promote the voice of users and carers. Design/methodology/approach A case study considering the nature of voluntary sector activity in Cwm Taf, referring to learning from elsewhere, confirming and challenging the experience. It draws on the experiences of two key third-sector workers and draws on local survey data, as well as the experiences of community co-ordinators. Findings The importance of “being there” in policy development, implementing change and taking action; “being at the top table” was critical in developing a stronger third sector and user voice, supporting the ambitions of Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014. Third-sector agencies have been good and mature partners, honest brokers/commissioners, completer/finishers and critical friends. Originality/value Power and influence are significant in changing the way that older people receive a different offer – not, “what can we do for you?”, but, “help us to understand what will make a difference to your life”. Third-sector agencies are crucial change agents, better at representing users and carers than public sector agencies doing it alone. It explores the concept of interdependence, as more energising for older people and agencies.

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