
Abstract The Bebras contest has become an essential part of school informatics in 30 countries all around the world. However, not all pupils can participate, especially some pupils with special educational needs. We have been doing a research in the area of teaching computer science with focus on the blind pupils (Jašková, 2013). We think that also these pupils should develop their informatics skills. Because the Bebras contest offers number of interesting informatics tasks, we have decided to explore the possibilities of making this contest available also for the blind pupils. The tasks used for this category of pupils were adjusted from the original ones suggested for intact pupils. In the article we present some of them with the description of adjustments that were needed to be done in order to make these tasks available for the blind pupils. We also compare the results of both, intact pupils and the blind pupils. Finally we analyse factors that can have an influence on success rate of the blind pupils and we offer some recommendations for making the suitable tasks.

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