
WhatsApp groups are one of the features of the WhatsApp application that allows users to communicate with more than two people at once while connected to the internet. This feature is used by the beauty community 'Beauty Class Jogja' as a group communication medium for product reviews. Therefore, this research aims to find out how the beauty community 'Beauty Class Jogja' group communication process in conducting product reviews through the WhatsApp group application. In this study, the group communication process through the WhatsApp application will be studied using five elements of communication from Laswell and Group Achievement Theory by Ralph Stogdill. The study used a qualitative approach with a case study method. Data collection techniques used are interviews, passive observation, and literature study. The result of this research is that the communication process of the BCJ group in conducting product reviews takes place through a group on the WhatsApp application, with the admin acting as a communicator and members as communicants. Messages are delivered via chat on the WhatsApp group application. To minimize errors in sending messages, the admin always gives members the freedom to ask questions and discuss so that the group communication process in product reviews runs smoothly.

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