
Heart muscle cells, or cardiomyocytes, exhibit intrinsic contractility in vitro. We found that commercially-available mammalian cardiomyocytes serve as an excellent model system for studying the cytoskeleton and cellular contractility, fundamental topics in undergraduate cell and molecular biology courses. Embryonic rat cardiomyocytes were plated on cell culture dishes or glass coverslips and visualized using an inverted phase-contrast microscope. The cardiomyocytes began contracting within 1-2 days after plating and continued to contract for many weeks, allowing their use in multiple laboratory sessions. Following background reading and instruction, students fixed and triple-stained the cardiomyocytes to examine the relative distributions of actin filaments and microtubules and the position of nuclei. Analysis and image capture with fluorescence microscopy provided striking examples of highly organized cytoskeletal elements. Students then designed experiments in which cardiomyocyte intrinsic contractility was explored. Changes in contraction rates were examined after treatment with signaling molecules, such as epinephrine. The addition of epinephrine to the culture medium, within a usable concentration window, increased the rate of contraction. These adaptable exercises provide undergraduate cell and molecular biology students with the exciting opportunity to study cardiomyocytes using standard cell culture and microscopy techniques.

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