
Many beach lifeguarding organizations recognize that, as providers of public safety, their primary role of drowning prevention through rescue is invariably underpinned by promotion of water and non-water beach injury prevention. In keeping with the axiom (attributed to Benjamin Franklin in relation to fire safety) that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, many organizations have engaged in public education programmes that promote beach safety. While the public and media perception of a beach lifeguard’s role invariably focuses on the emergency response capacity at the beach, the role of prevention has become institutionalized in many organizations with the establishment of public beach safety education strategies and programmes. This has not always been an easy process, especially where resources are limited and rescue/sport functions appear to some to be compromised by the diversion of much-needed funds to beach safety promotion. Such internal tensions within organizations are sometimes ameliorated by the resultant high profile of beach lifeguards in the community, the possibilities of employment of lifeguards in an instructional capacity and the provision of commercial sponsorship for beach safety promotion. It is the purpose of this chapter to examine the provision of beach safety programmes in selected countries so as to provide examples of the various forms of beach safety education that are currently promoted. Extensive web links are provided to guide the reader to the sites for further information on the available beach safety programmes.

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