
The modifications in agricultural systems affect the existence of biological resources. The purposes of this research are : (1) to know the general description of Balinese culinary specialties from freshwater insects. 2) to obtain a strategy of maintaining the culinary biological resources. The data collection techniques used in this research are interviews and literature study and the theories are the theory of revitalization and cultivation theory. The results showed that processed dishes that are made from some water insects, locally named klipes and blauk. They are both sources of protein, vitamins, and nutrition therefore an energy source for the body. The strategy of maintaining the culinary is by using an organic farming system. The widespread application of the system, at the same time can be a saving of natural and biological resources from the main ingredients which are clipped and mixed. The other strategy is through cultivation which can only be done on be blauk. Keywords: Culinary, Freshwater Insects, Rare, Bali


  • The modifications in agricultural systems affect the existence of biological resources

  • The data collection techniques used in this research are interviews and literature study and the theories are the theory of revitalization and cultivation theory

  • The results showed that processed dishes that are made from some water insects, locally named klipes and blauk

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Blauk merupakan fase larva dari serangga capung yang hidup di dalam air. Sedangkan di Bali masyarakat petani di pedesaan juga sejak lampau sudah biasa membuat lauk dari beberapa jenis serangga air yang disebut klipes (cybister) dan blauk (kini-kini), yang diolah dengan berbagai cara sehingga menjadi makanan menarik dan enak (https://lelesangkuriangabah.wordpress.com/2012/05/04/kini-kini-larvacapung-musuh-peternak-lele/).

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