
We study the clustering properties of dark matter haloes in real- and redshift-space in cosmologies with massless and massive neutrinos through a large set of state-of-the-art N-body simulations. We provide quick and easy-to-use prescriptions for the halo bias on linear and mildly non-linear scales, both in real and redshift-space, which are valid also for massive neutrinos cosmologies. Finally we present a halo bias emulator, BE-HaPPY, calibrated on the N-body simulations, which is fast enough to be used in the standard Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach to cosmological inference. For a fiducial standard ΛCDM cosmology BE-HaPPY reproduces the simulation inputs with percent or sub-percent accuracy for the halo mass cuts it is calibrated on (M>{5×1011, 1012, 3× 1012, 1013} h-1 M⊙) on the scales of interest (linear and well into the mildly non-linear regime). The approach presented here represents a well defined route to meeting the halo-bias accuracy requirements for the analysis of next-generation large-scale structure surveys. The software BE-HaPPY can run both in emulator mode and in calibration mode, on user-supplied simulations outputs, and is made publicly available.

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