
LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in English; abstract also in Chinese.Studies done to validate most teacher evaluation systems depend on establishing the content validity of the observational instrument. The studies usually consist of a comparison between the general job description of teachers and the behaviors listed as items on the measurement tool as well as input from teachers on the importance of the behaviors included. This study attempted to assess the validity using the same two types of data, i.e. expectations for effective teaching and teacher input. However, the study took the validity issue one step farther by developing a list of effective teaching behaviors in one particular subject, namely physical education. The study asked for open-ended teacher input on what constitutes effective teaching in physical education rather than asking the teachers to respond to an established set of items.要使教師教學表現評估制度成爲有效,就必要使其評估制度所採用的視學工具擁有有效的量度內容。這方面的研究通常將視學工具裏的量度內容跟教師的一般工作內容作一比較,並捜集教師對視學工具中所提的教學行爲所抱的意見。本研究正是以此類資料,評估「教學表現評估」的效度。作者還藉這比較提出一系列體育教師應有的高效教學行爲。


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