
We introduce Buchi Store, an open repository of Buchi automata and other types of $$\omega $$ -automata for model-checking practice, research, and education. The repository contains Buchi automata and their complements for common specification patterns and numerous temporal formulae. These automata are made as small as possible by various construction techniques in view of the fact that smaller automata are easier to understand and often help in speeding up the model-checking process. The repository is open, allowing the user to add automata that define new languages or are smaller than existing equivalent ones. Such a collection of Buchi automata is also useful as a benchmark for evaluating translation or complementation algorithms and as examples for studying Buchi automata and temporal logic. These apply analogously for other types of $$\omega $$ -automata, including deterministic Buchi and deterministic parity automata, which are also collected in the repository. In particular, the use of smaller deterministic parity automata as an intermediary helps reduce the complexity of automatic synthesis of reactive systems from temporal specifications.

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