
A chain of kinetic equations for non-equilibrium one-particle, two-particle and $ s $-particle distribution functions of particles which take into account nonlinear hydrodynamic fluctuations is proposed. The method of Zubarev non-equilibrium statistical operator with projection is used. Nonlinear hydrodynamic fluctuations are described with non-equilibrium distribution function of collective variables that satisfies generalized Fokker-Planck equation. On the basis of the method of collective variables, a scheme of calculation of non-equilibrium structural distribution function of collective variables and their hydrodynamic speeds (above Gaussian approximation) contained in the generalized Fokker-Planck equation for the non-equilibrium distribution function of collective variables is proposed. Contributions of short- and long-range interactions between particles are separated, so that the short-range interactions (for example, the model of hard spheres) are described in the coordinate space, while the long-range interactions --- in the space of collective variables. Short-ranged component is regarded as basic, and corresponds to the BBGKY chain of equations for the model of hard spheres.

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