
Churches with the title of the minor basilica, in the assumption of the legislator, are to be primarily a center of liturgical and pastoral life, and for other churches an example worthy of imitation. The decree Domus ecclesiae of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Dis­cipline of the Sacraments, dated November 9, 1989, directs one towards appropriate plan­ning out of sanctuaries and different places of liturgy, according to the spirit of liturgical renewal after the Second Vatican Council. The document does not indicate detailed litur­gical norms, but refers to the legal principles contained in the liturgical books. Particular attention is paid to the altar, the ambo, the celebrant’s chair, the baptismal font, the con­fessional, the place for the reservation of the Most Holy Eucharist. The legislator’s concern is placed on the adequately prepared and numerically satisfying celebration of the liturgical team.

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