
Bu calisma yaglik ve cerezlik ayciceginin dusuk ve yuksek sicaklik stresinde cimlenme ve fide gelisimi uzerine bazi tohum on uygulamalari ve surelerinin etkilerini belirlemek amaciyla Ankara Universitesi Ziraat Fakultesi Tarla Bitkileri Bolumu laboratuvarinda 2010 yilinda yurutulmustur. Arastirmada Sirena (yaglik), Confeta CL (cerezlik) aycicegi cesidi materyal olarak kullanilmistir. Tohumlar saf su, KNO3 (500 ppm) ve GA3 (150 ppm) ile 4, 8 ve 12 saat sure ile muamele edilmis, 15, 25 ve 35oC sicakliklarda kâgit arasinda cimlendirilmistir. 10. gunde toplam cimlenen tohumlar sayilarak cimlenme yuzdesi (%) ve ortalama cimlenme zamani (gun) belirlenmis ve fidelerde, fide boyu (cm), kok uzunlugu (cm), fide yas ve kuru agirligi (g/bitki) incelenmistir. Cikis denemeleri steril kum kullanilarak yurutulmustur. Tohumlar 3 cm derinlige ekilmis ve 10. gun sonunda cikan bitkiler sayilarak cikis yuzdesi (%) hesaplanmistir. Deneme tesaduf parsellerinde faktoriyel deneme desenine gore 4 tekerrurlu olarak kurulmustur.Arastirma sonucunda, Sirena cesidi icin en dusuk cimlenme suresi 35oC’de 8 ve 12 saat sureyle uygulanmis tohumlardan elde edilmistir. En uzun kok 15oC’de 12 saat ve surgun uzunlugu 25oC’de 8 saat sureyle on uygulama yapilan tohumlarda olculmustur. Confeta cesidi ise en dusuk cimlenme suresi 8 saat saf su ile uygulanan tohumlarda belirlenmistir. En uzun kok 25oC’de 8 saat ve surgun uzunlugu 15oC’de KNO3 uygulamasindan elde edilmistir. Sonuc olarak dusuk ve yuksek sicakliklarda KNO3 uygulamalarinin olumlu etkilerinin oldugu ve 12 saat sureyle uygulamanin cimlenme ve cikisi artirmada uygun oldugu sonucuna varilmistirAbstract This study was conducted out to determine germination and seedling growth of oily and confectionary sunflower at low and high temperature stresses in the Laboratory of Department of Field Crops, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ankara in 2010. Seeds of sunflower hybrids of Sirena (oil type), Confeta CL (confectionary type) were used as material. Seeds of the hybrids was immersed in distilled water, KNO3 (500 ppm) and GA3 (150 ppm) with duration of 4, 8 and 12 hours and germinated at 15, 25 and 35oC between filter papers. Germination percentage (%), mean germination time (day), shoot and root length (cm), seedling fresh and dry weight (g/plant) were measured at 10th day. Emergence test was performed by using sterile sand. Both control and primed seeds were sown at 3 cm depth and emergence percentage was determined after ten days. The experiments were established as three factors factorial design with four replications. Results showed that seeds of Sirena treated with 8 and 12 hours gave the minimum time to germinate at 35oC. The longest root was obtained from primed seeds with 12 hours at 15oC while seeds treated with 8 hours gave the highest shoot length at 25oC. The lowest germination time was measured in seeds primed with distilled water with 8 hours. It was concluded that KNO3 showed better performance under both low and high temperature and treatment duration of 12 hours was suitable for improving germination and emergence.

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