
Future space gravitational-wave detectors will detect gravitational waves with high sensitivity in the mHz frequency band. One possible source is the stochastic gravitational-wave background (SGWB), possibly from astronomy and cosmology. Detecting SGWB could provide an opportunity to directly examine the polarization of gravitational waves. While general relativity predicts only two tensor modes for gravitational-wave polarization, general metric theories of gravity allow up to four additional modes, including two vector and two scalar modes. Observing other polarization modes of gravitational waves would directly indicate that general relativity needs to be modified. However, the application of polarization identification methods developed for ground-borne detectors to space-borne detectors will require improvement. In this paper, we design a new statistic for the characteristics of space-borne detectors and perform Bayesian analysis. We analyze the performance of the new statistics, including the signal-to-noise ratio, ability to identify SGWB, and parameter estimation. The results show that the Bayesian method with new statistics is good enough to meet the needs of space detectors to identify polarized SGWB. In particular, space-borne gravitational-wave detectors will have the ability to distinguish the scalar-breathing mode and the scalar-longitudinal mode with this Bayesian method, which ground-based detectors cannot.

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