
The previous Pilkada, in terms of funding, the election of the regional head (Pilkada) was faced with two crucial things. First, holding regional elections budget. The second is the number of funds. The permit issued by the local government for the Pilkada itself will affect the area's fiscal space and development plans. The cost of holding the Pilkada comes from GDP, but the amount of the budget approved by the regional government varies depending on the financial capacity of each region. The first stage is the budget preparation stage in the budget cycle, which includes budget submissions from each section or department. The second stage is the budget approval stage. After the budget is ratified as law, all departments enter the budget implementation stage. The implementation of the budget must be accompanied by supervision to ensure that according to predetermined plans. The last stage is ratifying the budget calculation. The mechanism for managing the regional head election grants budget follows the laws and regulations regarding disbursement to reporting. However, from the results of the researcher's search, it was found that there are still things that need to be considered, especially in terms of financial transparency.


  • One of the variables in the size of a democracy is the general election

  • We are extracting the results of informant interviews regarding the budgeting mechanism of the BAWASLU Budgeting Mechanism in the 2018 Regional Head Elections

  • Other regulations regarding Simultaneous Regional Head Elections are stipulated by KPU & BAWASLU regulations

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One of the variables in the size of a democracy is the general election. The general election is one part of changing power (Bernardi et al, 2017). The study of democracy will always involve various variables other than general elections, such as openness, enforcement of the rule of law (law enforcement), change of power, enforcement of human rights, government accountability, and a free press (Von Stein, 2016). In today's state life, who is the holder of the highest strength and authority in a country is a crucial thing that must be known. Countries that adhere to a democratic system state that the people are the holders of the highest power and authority in the country. Almost every constitution of various countries considered democratic always includes the word people's sovereignty. This indicates that people's sovereignty is a necessity in the state system in today's world countries, including the State of Indonesia. The regulation on grants and social assistance sourced from the APBD by the Regional Government, both the Provincial Government and Regency/Municipal Governments, can be said to be "complete." Various other supporting regulations are still needed to explain several provisions that need an explanation from the Ministry of Home Affairs

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