
The Marketing Mix of Salted Peanut of Cendrawasih Brandat UD. Monang Denpasar-BaliUD. Monang is an agro-industrial busines engaged in the production of snack ofpeanuts. Seeing the interest of consumers who tend to consume more salted peanutsthan any other peanuts, this study aimed to determine the marketing mix conductedby UD. Monang on cendrawasih salted peanuts in term of the concept of product,price, place/distribution and promotion and to identify the constraints faced by UD.Monang in marketing salted peanuts produck with brand of cendrawasih. Based onthe research result of cendrawasih salted peanuts produck are processed from rawmaterials of the best peanuts. The marketing mix carried out by UD. Monang on itsproduck was to provide three packaging in the form of plastic to make it look moreappealing to consumers. Pricing implemented by UD. Monang is the cost pluspricing method which set the price based on the cost added by the percentage of thecost. For small-sized plastic packaging containing 125 gram was for Rp 3.900, 225gram for Rp 8.400 and 350 gram for Rp 11.400. the company uses retailer as anintermediary in the distribution of products to the end consumers. Promotionalactivities used by the company was to use personal selling. Internal contrains facedwas the company’s performance in terms of the promotion was less effective.External constraints were that their competitors of similar products resulted in thecompany having to compete fairly tight.


  • Seeing the interest of consumers who tend to consume more salted peanuts than any other peanuts, this study aimed to determine the marketing mix conducted by UD

  • Monang on cendrawasih salted peanuts in term of the concept of product, price, place/distribution and promotion and to identify the constraints faced by UD

  • Based on the research result of cendrawasih salted peanuts produck are processed from raw materials of the best peanuts

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Jenis Kemasan

Proses pembuatan atau pengolahan kacang asin terdiri dari beberapa tahap yang harus dilakukan yaitu mulai dari memilih bahan baku kacang tanah yang berkualitas hingga pengemasan. Pembersihan kacang tanah dilakukan berkali-kali hingga benar-benar bersih agar tidak ditemukan kotoran yang menempel pada biji kacang. Tujuan dari perebusan ini adalah untuk memperbesar pori-pori kacang tanah sehingga mempermudah proses pembumbuan. Pengemasan kacang Asin Merek Cendrawasih ini terdapat label yang dicantumkan label halal, komposisi dan keterangan izin usaha dengan slogan “ Lebih Gurih, Renyah dan Krezz !!!”. Monang terhadap produk kacang asin Cendrawasih adalah dengan cara menambahkan marjin tetap kepada biaya dasar atau biaya pokok produk atau yang dikenal dengan penetapan harga berdasarkan biaya (cost plus pricing). Berikut contoh perhitungan biaya per satu kali produksi Kacang Asin Merek Cendrawasih di UD. Perhitungan Biaya Per Satu Kali Produksi Kacang Asin Merek Cendrawasih di UD.

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