
The genus Bauhinia popularly known as “pata-de-vaca”, “unha de vaca”, “unha de boi”, “unha de anta” e “casco de vaca” is widely used in the form of teas and other herbal preparations. The aim of this literature review was to show the diversity and biological potential of Bauhinia species for health promotion. A search was carried out for articles listing some species of medical interest. The pharmacological activities of B. forficata were also highlighted in articles published in the last twenty years using the PubMed database. Research has shown that Bauhinia is used as a hypoglycemic and antidiabetic agent, diuretic, cholesterol reducer, in the treatment of cystitis, intestinal parasites, elephantiasis, tumors and other ailments, including infections and painful processes. In the last eleven years, 86% of the works carried out with B. forficata used the plant collected or acquired in Brazil, predominantly publications from the southern region of the country where almost 60% reported activity on diabetes and its complications and/or antioxidant effect. Despite the literature pointing out the great medicinal potential of Bauhinia in chronic diseases and their complications, there is still a need for more translational research.

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